Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dating + 2

Well as some of you who actually know me know I have an okcupid account. ( Thank you Em. ) no for me okcupid is just another way to meet guys ( and girls) that i want to fuck. But since i recently movved to Cali i've been holding off on the one night stands ( they're isnt an orgy scene in santa B) and all that fun stuff. So i met up with a guy from okcupid who I thought was pretty decent and he as but i didnt feel the spark.

So whilst browsing around the internet for emails and such i have a tendancy to leave my okcupid up and people IM me through it. Alot of people just want me to talk dirty to them which i hate because unless imgetting something outta uit im not going to entertain some loser. ( i told you i was a bitch)

so this one day im chatting it up with a hotty from my area and i get an incoming chat from this guy with one picture thats liek well i think you're cute but who knows cuz its grainy and im really precarious about it and i really wanted to blow him off. So we get to talking and in the back of mind i keep thinking this guys a dick he's so totally going to say something dick-ish any minute know thats going to make me want to wish i never accepted his chat. But he didnt. And the next night he didnt. and the night after that

So I started working at trader Joes the 4 to midnight shift. And i had talked to this guy ( Skyler ) on the phone in my bathrub, the only place i get reception) and all I could think was that I loved the sound of his voice. I was very into it. So the 21 I go into work and Sklyer was in the area ( he lives like 7 hrs away from me) but i told my new foudn co workers i would go to the bar with them. So im driving and im lost and he calls and we chat for a second and he's all wel li Dont want to distract you and we hang up and i get to where im going and im wandering around looking for an atm and i have a voicemail. And its Skyler ( what a great name!)

and he's like look I was thinking after i hung up with you that all i want to do tonight is hang out with Lily. So i leap. We decided to meet half way between where i was and where he was visiting. The state beach.

I've never hung out with anyone on the beach at night. We walked around and hung out and got rough( literally the whole little kid im going to beat onyou cuz i like you deal) and then idk i was kissing his neck and then we wre kissing and for once in a really long time i felt passion. Welay in the sand and he rubbed my back without even me saying anything and we had completely comforatable silence. And the passion I felt for him! I had passion with Matt but it was more raw and sexual. This was more I just want to touch you, feel you, know you passion. The kind of passion I had when i was in love with my Bf in'03.

So im thinking , interesting i barely know the guy.

well we hung out until 5am. and we never had sex. he didnt even touch me inappropriately. ( half to my dismay half to my liking)

so of course we talked tonight on the phone and I went out to my car drunk to talk to him in private ( i live with 2 lezz's) and im like hmm my sex box is in this car. So i start to have some fun. Just hearing his voice makes me hot. I havent been with someone who seemed to respect me so much in years. So im in the car and im wearing his shirt ( that he handed me at the 2nd beach we went to that night totally un asked totally old fashioned date like) and all i can think is " i wish you were here"

So im trying to not think about the fact that I wanted to curl up with him on the beach ( he slep t on the beach that night cuz he locked himself out of his g/ parents house) and i would have had he oked it. But i didnt ask if he was ok with it. plus i had work an all to think about.

Its interesting getting bacck into the whole taking it semi slow stage. i wont get to Sky alot due to the time it takes to drive plus i have random day soff and he has random day of fand we work dif. night shifts. I get off at midnight he gets on at 11pm butim willing to try.

PLus when i move to San fran it wont be as much of a hassle to drive to his area.

i think im in shock. LIfe is going all too well. i dont trust it.

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